I decided to start my "cheap supplies" with something I have always freaked out about. I am an obsessive tester. From that first time when my dear husband and I were still dating and I missed my period and he and I freaked out and rushed over to Target, I have taken pregnancy test after pregnancy test. I have spent SO much money on First Response and Clearblue digital, that we probably could have bought a car instead of the massive amount of baby indicators. So I did a ton of research one day, and came across Wondfo test strips on Amazon.com for super cheap. I bought 100 pregnancy tests for around $30.00, which is insane compared to the amount of money I've spent on going to a store and buying them off of a shelf. I've read some conflicting reviews, but overall it gives you a positive in a reasonable amount of time, with almost no evaporation lines. The biggest complaint I have seen on these is that the positives are fairly faint, but for the amount of tests you get, you can take one every day guilt free (and then maybe get First Response after you get that faint positive). Got a link to amazon for the obsessive testers in us all(:

Today is the beginning of sharing my experiences (good and bad) with ladies (and lets not forget those involved men!!) who are in a similar stage of their lives as I am. I can't wait to create a community of people who are willing to help each other through a somewhat traumatizing experience. 
With all the love in the world,